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[CHIUSO] IVAcars problemi di errore FSUIPC4

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il: 09 Novembre 2012 - 14:22
Ciao charly da quache settimana ho questo problema ti ho allegato lo screenshot del'errore che mi da ivacars si risolve momentaneamente reinstallando l' fsuipc4 ma poi avvolte torna.. mi puoi aiutare? grazie anticipatamente carmeniello939

[allegato eliminato da un amministratore]
« Ultima modifica: 31 Luglio 2015 - 19:39 da Charli550 »


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Risposta #1 il: 09 Novembre 2012 - 14:51
anche se non sono CHARLIE...  ??? Installa l'iultima versione di FSUIPC che trovi nel pacchetto di installazione che scarichi con IVakars (pilot center-download). Installa con il simulatore chiuso, e poi facci sapere.


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Risposta #2 il: 09 Novembre 2012 - 16:32
ciao word ho gia fatto cosi. lo fatto gia due volte per ora va bene ti farò saper nei giorni a venire grazie ciao


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Risposta #3 il: 09 Novembre 2012 - 17:50
Attendiamo la risposta providenziale del sommo CHARLIE, che ne sa sempre una più del diavolo  ;)


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Risposta #4 il: 11 Novembre 2012 - 09:31
Potrebbe essere la firma.
Dal momento che dalla versione 3,7 in poi, tutti i moduli sono stati firmati in codice, questo per la sicurezza contro virus e altri attacchi.
Devi fare clic destro sulla DLL e guardare la firma - vedere se dice che è valido.
Potresti anche verificare il file FSUIPC.LOG (nella cartella moduli).
Se si seleziona la Guida per l'utente lo spiega in questo e cosa fare.
Altrimenti potrebbe essere qualche problema di registrazione.
Prova a rimuovere il file FSUIPC.KEY.
Se funziona allora, credo sia dovuto ad una errata installazione come pure una errata registrazione.
Se tutto questo non funziona ancora, rimuovi in maniera accurata (anche nel registro) FSUIPC e lo reinstalli nuovamente.
Altro non saprei dirti. resto in attesa.  ;) ;)


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Risposta #5 il: 11 Novembre 2012 - 14:07
Charli questo penso sia il file log ed ce sritto questo
********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.85 by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=58000000
User Name=""
User Addr=""
FSUIPC4 not user registered
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       32 System time = 11/11/2012 10:37:26
       32 FLT path = "C:\Users\amministratore\Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\"
       63 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
       78 FS path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"
      546 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      562 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      562 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
      562 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      562 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     3620 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     3620 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     3620 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     3666 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT
     3666 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR
    28486 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Airbus_A321\Airbus_A321.AIR
    88032 System time = 11/11/2012 10:38:54, Simulator time = 19:37:31 (18:37Z)
    88266 Starting everything now ...
    91557 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
   175767 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 45 secs = 16.1 fps
   194674 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800\Boeing737-800.AIR
   306745 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 20 secs = 6.6 fps
  7192005 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 6875 secs = 15.7 fps
  8101429 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8111569 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8121584 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8131709 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8141755 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8151770 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8161801 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8171879 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8181972 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8192018 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8202065 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8212111 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8222158 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8232189 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8242266 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8252297 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8262359 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8272390 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8282421 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8292468 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8302545 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8312607 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8322654 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8332685 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8342762 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8352778 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8362824 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8372855 **** WARNING! Free memory is very low!
  8377894 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 1096 secs = 13.2 fps
  8386318 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Airbus_A321\Airbus_A321.AIR
  8386318 Weather Mode now = Theme
  8386318 C:\Users\amministratore\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Volo precedente.FLT
  8425599 System time = 11/11/2012 12:57:52, Simulator time = 19:37:30 (18:37Z)
  8425599 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Average frame rate for running time of 8068 secs = 15.3 fps
G3D fix: Passes 106155, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 3434 Allocs, 3434 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********
fammi sapere se noti qualcosa che non va ciao grazie


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Risposta #6 il: 11 Novembre 2012 - 14:14
questo è il file FSUIPC4Install

Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.81

Looking in registry for SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 install path:
... >>>  OK! FOUND FSX!  <<< ...
Looking in registry for SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 install path:
Not there, so looking in:
... NOT found! ...
Looking in registry for SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D install path:
Not there, so looking in:
... NOT found! ...

SetupPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"
Checking version of FSX.EXE:
... Version 10.0.61637.0  (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)
Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:
    Found SimConnect build 60905 (Original)
    Found SimConnect build 61242 (SP1 May07)
    Found SimConnect build 61259 (Acc/SP2 Oct07)
Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:
       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL
... Version 4.850 found.
Installed version is later: it is not overwritten.
Looking for the current user's Application Data path:
... found as "C:\Users\amministratore\AppData\Roaming"
Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one
Looking in "C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\amministratore\AppData\Roaming"
Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\amministratore\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"
Now checking DLL.XML ...
... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.
... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced.
... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay
Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...
... There is a SimConnect.XML, checking for "local" section.
... "local" section already exists, file not modified.
Looking in "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
"Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder already exists.
Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder:
   Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay
   Installed "List of FSX controls.pdf" okay
   Installed "GlobalSign Root.exe" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay
   Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay
   Installed "Example LUA" okay
FSUIPC4.DLL installed and signature checked out okay!
Deleted GlobalSign Root fix program ... no longer relevant

All installer tasks completed.

*************** End of Install Log ***************


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Risposta #7 il: 11 Novembre 2012 - 17:33
Velocemente posso dirti che secondo il mio punto di vista qualcosa non mi torna nel log.
E meglio che ci troviamo direttamente tra di noi e vediamo di far funzionare il tutto ok?
Conatattami nei soliti canali.  ;) ;) :)


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